About White Pepper Ink
Hi, I'm Amanda Nicholson! I'm just a small town girl, firmly rooted in East Texas who loves Jesus and all things fun and meaningful and beautiful. I married my camp crush in 2006 and graduated from Texas A&M a year later with a degree in Elementary Education. I spend most of my days now homeschooling our 3 kiddos, enjoying meaningful time with family and friends, taking in the beauty and of life around me, cheering our kids on in their sports, reading, and creating art when I have the time and space.
White Pepper Ink was born following a devastating miscarriage in 2014, where I turned neon sticky notes of Bible verses around our home into scripted canvases to permanently hang on my walls. I was desperate for the Word of God to be in plain sight to be reminded of His promises. They were my lifeline. Over the next several years, I hand-scripted and sold hundreds of canvases through my little garage workshop. These canvases of Scripture and quotes are straight from the pages of my journals and ongoing journey. I have an deep passion for Deuteronomy 6:5-9.
A few years later, I began brainstorming ideas to produce tangible, tactile reminders of God’s Word in our home for our young children. I had so much fun crafting what eventually became known as the Jubilee Tree collections. These year-round ornament sets have been so powerful in helping us teach God’s Word to our children and they continue to be a sweet conversation piece between our family, and anyone who steps into our home.
As my littles have become older and more independent, I have enjoyed giving more attention to creating with paints and color again. Whimsical and free or story-telling and deep, I love it all. I hope you are inspired and make a connection in some way as you tour my little art studio!
I'm a homeschool mom, so of course I love essential oils, right? I can't do sourdough, but I do love the oils.
A little bit of science about White Pepper: White Pepper is made from the fully ripe pepper berries with the outside layer removed, leaving only the seed. White Pepper Essential Oil reduces pain and inflammation, often thought to bring soothing comfort and relief both physically and mentally.
Being fully ripe or mature, in a spiritual sense according to Jesus, means being poor in spirit. Less of me. More of Him. I love the idea that the outer layer is striped away from the pepper berry and the seed, the heart, is all that is left. Having some of the same effects figuratively, I hope that the products I produce through White Pepper Ink help soothe your heart, soul, mind and strength.